Background information

Civil Maps enables on-demand perception and actuation of the world around us, by collecting and analyzing spatial data.

Tentative plan


Basic idea CivilMaps generates 3D instead of 2D for surveying / planning. They can do more, faster, for cheaper.

History of Surveying goes all the way back to primitive sites like Stonehenge.


How is this different than, e.g., Google street view?

This is a true 3D model constructed from points in a 3D space. Google street view is a 2D representation that allows us to get some 3D.

Can clearly identify individual objects in space. Application: figure out how high your train could be on a given stretch of track.

What are the limitations of the current system?

The browser can only handle so much data.

General Challenges

Standard “big data” story - can acquire data much faster than we can process it. Manual labelling of assets is very cumbersome.

How to quantify error? Points allow for a straightforward distance. Given the lack of standard, report a transparently computed measure of difference between manual and automatic labels.


Barriers to humanitarian or conservation work