Background information
Please review the list of projects on the potential projects page! (It’s also linked in the menu of every page on this site).
Tentative plan
This will be a final meeting to review projects with client presentations. Projects include opportunities to learn about sensors (IoT), scraping, and mobile technology (with phones and tablets). Presentations will start at 3:30 followed by meeting with clients and team formation. Dav and Anthony will provide a description of most, but a few guest clients will talk a little more in depth about their projects. In particular, Jorrit will provide a brief technical introduction to data management for published research data.
We’ll create repos and chat rooms where needed. To give you an idea of how we’ll get started, please see where Jorrit has started putting additional information in the EDAM repo and I’ve added some info on my leg-work for testing air quality sensors in an issue.
It is also critical that each team have a lead who will be responsible for communicating with the class facilitators (like me).
Javier and others will also be on hand to help folks who want to review anything from the previous seminar on Arduino, including discussing any future hardware plans you may be forming.
Dav will plan to keep the space open until about 6pm.