
Upcoming events at ManyLabs:

Kick-starting team formation

We’ll circulate through the room, and start assigning folks to teams. We’ll have facilitators organizing the projects throughout the room.




Arduinos as a basic platform

Slides from Javier

Reading / Tech

You are highly encouraged to buy your own Arduino and related electronics! However, we will provide teams of 2-4 with sufficient materials to complete all projects. A shopping list will be provided.

Please read up on arduinos on the internet. Keep track of interesting URLs you find. Good places to start are adafruit and sparkfun (they will also try to sell you things).

Tentative plan

Notes from Class

Second meeting: 2015-09-03.



Get on Gitter.

There are upcoming events at ManyLabs. ManyLabs is like a tech shop/hacker space around science and education.

Course Entry Codes handed out today.


Established projects

There are about 10 projects groups can choose to work on.

More details here.

For teams, the following are needed:

To make serious progress, you’ll want about 10 hours a week. Not everyone has to commit to this level, though. Think about: how to make it the best experience for yourself; setting up project goals and timeline.

Each group will have a mentor: clients or BIDS Fellows.

Student comment: for each project, it would be nice to know the expectations.

Other projects

Vivek. Doubling the occupancy of all vehicular traffic. “An Uber for drivers.” Do the reverse of what Uber does. Match riders to all of the cars driving around. “Can cut the cost of a ride by 10.” Goal: save everybody money, perhaps time, and carbon emissions. Existing app, Move, tracks locations and means (biking, walking, etc.). The hard problem is a data science problem: what should the footprint be for adoption, the go-to-market strategy?

Building Sensors

With Javier, Technology and Infrastructure for Emerging Regions (TIER).

Why sensors?

Sensor Ecosystem

Sensors, gateways, and examples.

Non-obvious things:

Lots of sensors available for the class. If you think you need to measure something, speak with Dav and/or Javier.

Mobile phones are getting a lot cheaper and have lots of sensors built in:

Examples of what you can measure with sensors

Motion or activity. Interesting use of accelerometers: measure whether or not lighting changing walking speed.

Arduino: a “microcontroller” that runs your code directly, giving direct access to hardware (no operating system).

Raspberry Pi:

BeagleBone: can be used as a gateway


To get a sense of how often people use cook stoves and for how long, iButton temperature sensors can be used.

For a lot of social science projects, you’re not only monitoring physical things, you’re also asking people questions.


Can keep track of time. Most systems don’t have this capability, unless connected to a network.

Used for the Milk Bank project: interfaced with the phone and could monitor pasteurization of milk.