Background information
- Dawn Nafus (@dnafus) is an Anthropologist leading Intel’s Data Sense team.
- Evan Savage (@candu) is a member of the Data Sense team.
Reading / Tech
- Please sign up for Data Sense (a code is in our Gitter chat), and have a look around.
- Read a draft of either
- Dawn’s intro to an upcoming Quantified Self text
- (much lighter) Data Data Everywhere article.
Tentative plan
We’ll continue our anthropological and technical interrogation of human-related quantification (including things like biosensors and air quality).
This session will be held during the Tuesday 3:30 practicum in BIDS. Come prepared to hack, as we will transition to a mix of guided and self-directed work after what should be a lively discussion! Interested folks can explore the use of the Data Sense platforms for their own data / projects.